Sunday, December 9, 2007

A meditation on scenarios

"The art of the dramatist is very like the art of the architect. A plot has to be built up just as a house is built--story after story; and no edifice has any chance of standing unless it has a broad foundation and a solid frame." BRANDER MATTHEWS, The Principles of Playmaking

I have both a love & hate relationship with scenarios and charting out the story of a play before and/or while writing it. I have found them useful, especially in regards to writing what was essentially my big final project/thesis of my BFA in Playwriting (Little Dancer) but right now we're not doing so well.

I know they're not the absolute of all, I know I can stray from a scenario completely or even by a little idea or too, and they can be VERY useful. But still sometimes...writing one seems like such a chore and something I'm forcing out just to have a scenario. And tell myself I have one. I always jot down notes and ideas, things about characters and the like, but more often than not lately I want and do get into the writing of it.

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