Thursday, December 13, 2007

Good News!

I have some glorious fantastic good news [now it's only a possibility but a pretty darn good one]. A friend of mine who's now living and doing theatre in St John's Nfld has asked about producing my play "Josephine (a love story)." Just talked about it a couple of days ago, still very fresh and prancing around in my head. "Josephine" is a play I originally wrote in my first year at Concordia for a playwriting class. It's about Josephine and Napoleon and their relationship. It's a play that crosses boundaries and times and places, mixes memory with the present moment, and an intimate look into the beginnings of a legendary relationship. It has been produced once before, at the 2004 Youth Infringement Festival (a theatre festival entirely run by youth) and can be done with a female and male actor, and a female voice.

So superduper excited about that!!!

Off to bed, I go. I'm so tired, working too much over the holidays (I'm too nice and say yes to things I shouldn't, let there be a lesson in that) and have a shift tommorrow at noon. And I just got home, oh about, 25 minutes ago.

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